For me, the joy of life is found in the details.
I am blessed to have many people in my circle of love and care and if I'm not careful, I become overwhelmed if I don't stop and appreciate the small things that can get lost in the chaos of life. There are many details that need to be figured out on a daily basis, from whats for breakfast to barn chores (which involves a menagerie of critters) to household chores to the everyday needs of those I love. And at any moment things can get shaken up, shuffled around and re-prioritized depending on where the greatest need is at that moment. If you are a mom, you know exactly what I am talking about.
In addition to having the most important, under appreciated job in the world, I am also a lover of all things beautiful in nature and the world around me. Most of my life has been spent living in a rural community in Central Pa, and after 25 yrs of marriage, 8 kids and 2 grandbabies, my husband and I took our first trip out of the country to England. That is where I completely fell in love with the art of photography and simply being able to freeze beauty in a single snapshot. I would like to think that over the past 2 years, I have be able to improve my knowledge and skill enough to create some pretty good pieces of artwork from my own little world.
I also enjoy anything fiber related, I spin when time is available and I have been creating specialty yarns from different fibers from our own flock of rare sheep and angora goats and rabbits. I love the artistic side of dyeing the yarn. And have taught myself simple knitting and crocheting skills, enough to clothe my family in plenty of hats and scarfs. I have also been making my own soap for about 10 years, and although I do no advertising, I have managed to build a nice client base of loyal customers over the years and am able to make enough to support my habit.
I guess it makes sense that I have always been a visual person, I learn by seeing, my emotions are stirred by my view of life around me. I have taken on the challenges that God has blessed me with by focusing on the small details and leaving the "big" picture up to Him.